
Pediatrics is a direction of undergraduate education related to the field of “Healthcare”, and the fields of professional activity of bachelors are the maintenance of children’s health in state and non-state enterprises, organizations, institutions, and state administration bodies maintenance covers a complex of areas involved in solving the complex problem of strengthening, prevention and treatment of children’s diseases

0910300 – Training of bachelors in the educational field of pediatrics 
is carried out on a full-time basis. Training in this field of study is organized based on the credit module system. The standard duration of a bachelor's program in full-time education is 6 years.

Purpose of the curriculum

To provide students with in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in fundamental, preclinical and clinical sciences of medicine. General pediatrician training.

The result
After mastering the 6-year curriculum, graduates receive a general pediatrician diploma. 
Graduates will be able to continue their education at the master's level in more than 10 specialties. The curriculum of the undergraduate period:

After a bachelor's degree in pediatrics is possible to continue studying for a master's degree in next spetializations:

It is also possible to conduct scientific research as an independent researcher in the established order.