Muradova Nargiza
Muradova Nargiza

head of the economics department

Zubaydullayev Uktam
Zubaydullayev Uktam

Head of the department "Pedagogy and psychology"

Sharipova Oliya
Sharipova Oliya

Head of the Medical and Fundamental Sciences Department

Mattiyev Utkir
Mattiyev Utkir

Head of "Social and Humanitarian Sciences" department

Narkuziev Bobomurad
Narkuziev Bobomurad

Head of the department "Exact Sciences"

Orzibekov Fozilbek
Orzibekov Fozilbek

Head of the English Language Department

Sattorov Begzod
Sattorov Begzod

Head of the department "Foreign Languages"