"Social and Humanitarian Sciences" department

The Department of Social Humanities is one of the departments, existing since the first days of the establishment of the Samarkand branch of Kimyo International University in Tashkent. 
Education of social humanities is considered to be vital in forming a well-rounded person, because the knowledge and values acquired by children of this age determine their future life. The department organizes the training process of undergraduate and graduate specialists in "Primary education", "Pre-school education", "Special pedagogy, "History" as well as coordinates methodological work of the members of the department.

Additionally, being adapted to the requirements of the state standard of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the curricula of the subjects taught at the department are enriched based on the standards and advanced experience of the world's leading pedagogical universities.

The purpose of the department is to form students' social-political, ideological-spiritual worldviews, to educate them in the spirit of patriotism, to form their knowledge in social sciences, practical skills and studies, and to be personnel who have a deep knowledge of spiritual-political reforms to provide education on the way to maturity.

Duties of the department:

  • In the field of educational and methodological activity:

  • organization of educational activities aimed to train highly qualified specialists in all educational directions and specialties of the university using modern teaching methods;

  • In the field of scientific and methodological activity:

  • development of scientific-methodical foundations of the educational process, provision of educational and methodological materials, modern education that serves to increase the labor productivity and quality and efficiency of professors-teachers by implementing foreign experiences in the field of introduction of educational technologies;

  • In the field of scientific research:

  • Taking into account the priority tasks of socio-political reforms implemented in New Uzbekistan, the advanced world experience and international standards, the implementation of priority directions for ensuring the safety of society, scientific and research work and, to provide the implementation of their results in practice;

  • In the field of spiritual and educational work:

  • Educating personnel in the spirit of loyalty to motherland, teaching the heritage of our historical figures, great ancestors, educational institutions and forming human qualities in them, strengthening the feelings of connecting one's destiny with the destiny of the motherland and the destiny of the nation.